Friday 21 August 2009

The genre of comedy.

The definitions for comedy:

Comedy as a popular meaning is any humorous discourse generally intended to amuse, especially in television, film, and stand-up comedy.

A dramatic work that is light and often humorous or satirical in tone and that usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict.

The three subgenres of comedy I will be focusing on are character comedy, physical comedy and cringe comedy. These three are seen in most mainstream comedy movies. Other subgenres of comedy include black comedy, where dark themes such as war or death are featured throughout the film and blue comedy, where sexual themes are explored in a humourous way.
Each subgenre can also be marketed at a particular audience, for example, Romantic Comedy would be advertised towards a more female demographic. Whereas, a Black Comedy would be more likely to attract an adult audience due to the dark natured themes included in the film.

Here are the definitions of my three main subgenres:

Character comedy: Comedy based on stereotypes, archetypes and other humorous characters. Films such as Ali G in da House and Hot Fuzz can come under this subgenre.

Physical comedy: Comedy driven by physical occurrences and slapstick. Mr Bean and Dodgeball are good examples of physical comedy.

Cringe comedy: Comedy based on embarrassment, coming from inappropriate actions or words. Meet the Fockers is a prime example of this subgenre due to the cringe worthy plotline and occurrences.

Saturday 1 August 2009

Original Brief

For my media studies coursework I have chosen to make a teaser trailer as I feel I can be more successful than a in making a 5 minute film. I want to achieve a good comedy trailer which sells the film to an audience. I plan to research conventions of comedy trailers, make a trailer as well as a magazine front cover and a poster, meanwhile uploading my progress onto this blog.