Saturday 28 November 2009

How closely am I following my story board and shot list

For most of my shots, I have completely stuck to my shot list and story board. There are a few slight difference and a few more shots I've added in.

Shot list description: A long shot from the side showing the two main geek characters (Chris and Glen) getting kicked in the groin at the same time, by the two bullies (Nick and Harry’s characters). Both groups are standing in a line like formation which should give a very humorous point of view for the audience

As you can see, the actual shot is very similar to how I planned it to be.

Another example:

A close up of the back of Chris’ legs with a foot come up and hit his groin. I want to use this shot as it is filmed in a very different position and looked very amusing when I practiced it with the cast.
As you can see, the actual shot is very similar to the story board image and shot list description.

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