Sunday 29 November 2009

How closely am I following my story board and shot list (part 2)

Although I have stuck to most of my storyboard and shot list very closely and followed it in order, I decided to add more shots into the trailer.

This shot is just another mid shot of Chris getting kicked in the groin by Harry. It was filmed in a street near the alleyway. The location for this shot wasn't really that important. I thought that if I film another shot of this happening to Chris then the trailer would have a montage effect.

The same goes for this shot, it is similar to shots I've already used, however, when added into the trailer it will, again, create a montage. This repetition of similar shots shows how often the bullies attack Chris' character.

This close up of Chris' face after he has just been kicked in thr groin. I chose to shoot this as I thought this was a good shot to end the montage with, instead of the close up of Glen.

This is a mid shot I thought I'd shoot mainly because the classes reaction to the other shots of him weightlifting was very positive, as they found this funny. Therefore I chose to shot more. The setting is the same as the others, in the living room and the mise en scene involves the soft toys on the sofa.

I already have the shot of Chris on the punchbag, however, for his hardest punch at the end I thought it would be appropriate to edit this in slowmotion as this looks very funny.

I have already got a shot of Chris posing in the mirror, however, I felt another would fit in well, as that way it seperates all the same things like talking and prevents them all be done in order.

For the section of where Chris is working out, I have decided to move around certain clips to vary whats happening on screen al through it. For example, the shot where Glen asks "SO what are you gonna do about those boys?" is followed by a few shots of Chris exercising and then it goes back to him replying.

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