Thursday 12 November 2009

Story Board (part 2)

9. This shows a mid shot of Chris doing shoulder pressing with really small dumbbells. Other mise en scene I will use will be soft toys which I will place somewhere. I think this would be appropriate as soft toys have many different connotations to dumbbells, and shows the viewer the character is trying to be someone he isn't.

10. This shows an over the shoulder shot, from a medium close up of Chris playing the wii. The mise en scene I intend to use is an actual wii, a tv screen and maybe a soft toy placed above the television.

11. This shows a medium close up of Chris playing the wii.

12. This mid shot is of him posing in the mirror trying to flex his muscles. To make this shot as comical and stay true to the character, Chris will have to be as relaxed as he can and not tense any of his muscles, making them appear smaller and hardly there.
13. This mid shot shows Chris punching the boxing bag.
14. This shows an over the shoulder shot viewing Glen talking to Chris. He says "So what are you gonna do about those boys?" I will include a chess board for some "nerdy" mise en scene. The fact that they are playing chess casually has many geeky connotations with younger crowds, who are the target audience.
15. I then have an over the shoulder shot of Chris coldy replying "Im gonna get those boys"
16. This mid shot shows Chris bicep curling a small dumbbell. I will include some soft toys in the background just like I will with the shot of him shoulder pressing dumbbells. At the end of the shot he will drop it to close the section of the trailer where he is working out.

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