Thursday 12 November 2009

Story Board (part 1)

1. This is a shot of the garage door slowly opening up revealing Chris standing there. The shot is a mid shot from a slighlty low angle to make him seem bigger and more masculine. The voice over of "When a boy gets pushed too far, he becomes a man" is used as well as the one tone dramatic music. I will have two people pulling up the door who are out of shot, as the door is not electric. The mise en scene in the garage will just be "junk" and a "punch bag", typical objects that would be found in many garages.
2. Then a zoom into a big close up of his face. This will give a clear view of his face for the first time and show how humourous he will appear.
3. A long shot of Chris being hit in an alleyway. I will place a dustbin in the shot to emphasise the fact that they are in an alleyway. This will only be a brief shot.
4. A close up of the back of Chris’ legs with a foot come up and hit his groin. This again will only be a brief shot to give a montage effect.
5. This picture shows the shot of the two nerds being kicked in the groin at exactly the same time by the two bullies. As well as the humourous view point we see it from, it also shows how pathetic and helpless they are by letting bullies kick them whilst they are lined up.
6. This shows a big close up of the two reactions of the geeks to this. The shot of Glen is in a point of view shot from the bullies.
7. It then goes to Chris' living room. This is Chris talking into the mirror "I've been picked on for too long. Revenge is a dish best served cold." The dark lighting of the room will reflect his dark and revengefull mood. I do not intend to worry too much about mise en scene as the the shot is a medium close up and does not go on for very long. Therefore the viewer would not have enough time to see any of it, especially in a dark room. As this shot starts the agressive song "Club Foot" by Kasabian starts.
8. A close up of Chris doing push ups. It is still in the living room but more lit up.

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