Thursday 15 October 2009

Existing Comedy Films

For my research I will focus on five comedy trailers and posters to help me find out what conventions to look for.

1. Norbit
This film stars Eddie Murphy playing two main characters, Norbit and his obese, dominating wife, Rasputia (who he is very unhappy with). The film relies on many elements of the three subgenres I am focusing on. The character comedy is throughoout the film (as both main characters are quite humourous, along with other characters featured), especially as many parts are played by Eddie Murphy. This gives a very funy effect as the viewer knows this and can see the variation between each character. The physical comedy elements are throughout the trailer as there are many quick shots of mainly Norbit getting hurt or embarressed by Rasputia. For example a montage of clips where she jumps and squashes Norbit on a bed is used. The repetion emphasis the humour of the situation by showing it happens to him all the time. Many of these clips also tie in with cringe comedy.

The trailer shows the quiick overview of the films plot line revolving around the main character "Norbit". Many comedy devices are used, for example montages of physical comedy e.g him being lept on by his massively large wife Rasputia. Many shots go into each other from the use of a swipe effect, which gives the trailer a sense of speed. The trailer performs very well at characterizing Norbit. The viewer gets a very clear view of the main characters personailty, background and situation just by watching the first half of the trailer. I hope to achieve this too in my trailer.

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