Friday 16 October 2009

Film Posters

sThis film poster is for the film Norbit. The poster is quite simple as it is a picture of the two main characters, a question relevant to the film, the films star and the film title on a white background. This is all the viewer needs to know about the film. Also, as both the main characters are played by Eddie Murphy, his name is shown twice at the top of the poster, to give a humorous effect. The question “Have you ever made a really big mistake” and the facial expressions of the two characters already gives an idea of what the film is about.

This poster is for the film Hot Fuzz. It involves both main characters, in an unknown rural background, with a phrase at the top and the film title and stars at the bottom. The poster involves lots of mise en scene as characters are in police uniform, with sunglasses whilst holding a gun. This along with the facial expression creates a serious look to them. However, the phrase “They are going to bust your arse” gives a much less serious impression and creates a big contrast.

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