Sunday 3 January 2010

The Combination Of The Ancillary Tasks And Trailer

The Poster
The poster works very well with the trailer in terms of conveying the main character and his frame of mind. The poster shows the character with a challenging facial expression which has the connotations of him in a “winning” mind state. The smoke behind has many different connotations. One being that his “revenge” and “temper” is rising like a fire, or is scorching, just like the metaphorical fire inside him. The tag line “Revenge is a dish best served cold” also shows his thoughts and possible aims he has, of which the film is about.
These ideas work well with the trailer as they all relate to aspects of its story line. It also shows the character as having a humorous appearance, like many shots in the trailer.

The Magazine
The front cover also works well with the trailer in a similar way to the poster. It shows the character posing in front of a boxing bag with the word “Cleverlast” on. In this picture he has the same challenging and smiling facial expression as he does on the magazine, and in various shots throughout the film. The punch bag in the background along with the brick wall makes the setting seem like a garage location, which the shot is based in. The brick wall also has very tough and hard connotations, which create a comical contrast with the main character.
In Conclusion
I think that when the finished products are combined, they sell the film to the audience by focusing on the character. Each ancillary task sells the film the most by having a large image of the main character. The trailer is more of a character lead film than plot, therefore influencing the target audience to view the film because of the fact they want to see more of him.

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