Monday 4 January 2010

Using Photoshop

To produce my ancillary tasks, I used the image editing software of Adobe Photoshop as this was the best one available to me, and I have used it before on many different projects. This programme helped me cut the objects I wanted out of taken photos (the ones of Chris) and place them onto the image created solely from Photoshop. The text and effects were also made in Photoshop. The images such as the smoke and brick wall were taken form Google images.
What I learnt from my experience using photoshop
Using the programme this time for a project made me realise a few things about it, for example:
1.I learnt how to edit out pixalated images by using a paint brush tool with a blur effect to blend in with the background
2.I learnt how to change the colour tone of an image. For example I made the brick wall darker by changing the darkness of the image
3. I learnt how to quickly and easily change the canvas size without causing any changes to the pixilation of the image

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