Tuesday 5 January 2010

How Does My Trailer Relate To Physical Comedy

My trailer follows many aspects of physical comedy. Especially most of the first shots of the nerds being beaten up, as they involve them getting kicked in the groin which is always funny. As well as this, shots such as Chris on the Wii or working out can be classed as physical comedy. Mainly because the actual movements are humorous, as well as the cringe and character aspects.

This shot is a typical piece of physical comedy. Mainly because it is Chris getting kicked in the groin.

This shot where he is struggling to curl the dumbbell and eventually goes to drop it. The sound effect used shows he has caused some sort of damage as he’s dropped it.

This is physical comedy because apart from his facial expression, which comes under both character and cringe comedy, the slow motion action to the song beat is very humorous

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