Tuesday 5 January 2010

How Does My Trailer Relate To Cringe Comedy

My trailer does not support aspects of Cringe Comedy very heavily. However, the main aim of a cringe comedy is that it makes the viewer embarrassed for the character, due to the ignorance of his or her stupidity or ridiculousness, or physical happenings to them. A good example of this is where Glen’s character says “So what you gonna do about those boys”. The way he delivers the line in such a camp tone of voice is quite cringe worthy to watch. However, although I feel that I haven't used lots of cringe comedy, some people could argue that the whole film should be classed as cringe comedy. Solely because the main character embarrasses himself so much throughout the film subconsciously, by being such an absurd nerd who thinks that they can retaliate to bullies by working out and practicing boxing on the Wii.

This shot is a good example of cringe comedy. Although I used a similar shot for character comedy I feel that the actual character is sometimes slightly cringe worthy to watch, especially watching him pose his muscles with a satisfied grin on his face.

Watching him confront the bullies shouting “Halt! Leave my friend alone” is also slightly cringe worthy as the viewer feels embarrassed for him.

Like the other two shots, the viewer feels embarrassed for the actual character, and what he is doing.

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