Monday 4 January 2010

Using Pinnacle

To edit the actual trailer, I chose to use Pinnacle because it was the most available software to me that is of a professional standard. The programme helped me cut the footage, put it in order, add effects such as slow motion, add fades, sounds and so much more.
What I learnt from using this software
1. I learnt how to change the noise level of sound into the most appropriate level, this was very useful throughout the film, especially when Glen speaks, as it needed to be louder over the music.
2. I learnt how to shorten clips with ease to help make the trailer stay with 1 minute, which was especially helpful during the working out scenes.
3. I learnt how to actually upload my recorded clips onto the computer so they can be edited
4. I learnt how to add music and time it so the beat plays at exactly the same time as the clips, such as when Chris punching the boxing bag
5. I learnt how to separate the actual sound of a clip from the video, this helped me drag Chris’ voice over the shots of him working out
6. I learnt how to reduce the noise of wind
from a shot by using the “Wind Reduction”
tool, which made the trailer sound much.

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