Thursday 7 January 2010

Trailer Conventions I Challenged

Many comedy trailers use a less serious soundtrack as the true plot is revealed, conveying the characters or plot line more appropriately. Some might use “dumb” music, while others just use mainstream chart music, if the film is aimed at a large audience, due to its mainstream genre.
However, although I consider my trailer as a main stream comedy, I did not choose to use comparable music. Instead, like I stated before, chose to use music that would be more suited in an action film.
Comedy trailers also use a large amount of speech, which helps to convey the characters personality and situation. It also helps the directors include a larger amount of characters, who might be played by recognised actors. Therefore used as a marketing tool selling the film in a different way to it just being entertaining.
However, not much speech is used in my trailer. I thought that showing the audience physical aspects of the main character is funnier than having many different people speak. The structure of the trailer makes it clear that the main character is being bullied and is training to confront them. Therefore not much speech is needed.

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